Monday, September 03, 2018

TOTD: HDB Issue - Never Populist, No Longer Lone Voice Again

Thought of the Day - Never Populist, No Longer Lone Voice Again

I was having a discussion over the Asset Enhancement Scam and all the issues involving HDB in my High School Whatsapp group and one of my friends wrote that I should not harp on the truth of HDB lease ownership and by reading the comments on social media, see what they want and sing their tune to get their support.

I paused for a while and I replied, I have NEVER been populist in my approach and most of the time, I turn people living in fantasies and myths into reality.

Unlike some politicians who would be that opportunistic and even agree with a BAD policy like Asset Enhancement Scam just because popular opinion of GREED was in support of it due to short sightedness, I chose to walk the less chosen path of going against the grains of popular opinion.

I would call a spade a spade, nothing else.

Asset Enhancement Scheme is a scam and it is important to make the point that you don't own any asset when you buy HDB LONG TERM TENANCY agreement because...

1) You don't even own the HDB flat as a property nor the land, what "assets" are you talking about?

2) In all normal TENANCY agreement, it is the responsibility of Landlord to do major maintenance and upgrading, so why are Singaporeans asked to pay for upgrading?

3) It is total Bullshit to say "GOV subsidize" your upgrading but the reverse is true, Singaporeans are subsidizing the GOV in upgrading!

4) You may think you would gain great "profits" when HDB prices are pushed up but at whose cost? At the cost of the buyer of your HDB PLUS the cost of higher HDB prices for your children and grandchildren!

5) Who are the ultimate Gainers from high HDB prices? SLA via higher land sales, HDB via more interests earned from loans and as the monopoly supplier of HDB flats and banks that make mortgage loans!

That's the reality of Asset Enhancement Scam.

I was the lone voice in the past fighting against HDB policy but not anymore. Glad that many have awaken.

I am so happy to read many other Singaporeans are speaking up about the Truth of HDB “Ownership”, against the PAP’s misleading narrative which is built on a total lie.

All scams are built upon ignorance and GREED of the victims, that’s why scamming lies could become some sweet tunes to these unsuspecting people.

It is my mission to exposed the bad scam of Asset Enhancement Scheme because it would be disastrous to our future generations for it to continue.

I am not against HDB as a PUBLIC HOUSING and I am even okay with the fact that there is no REAL OWNERSHIP of assets but just a prepaid long term lease of tenancy.

But I am against PAP political sophistry to turn HDB into an evil weapon of mass destruction of Singaporeans CPF retirement financing plan just for its own political self interests.

It is a total oxymoron idea to pursue a policy that will inflat HDB prices forever when the main aim of Public Housing is affordable housing for all Singaporeans!

The reason why I was so pissed off with MBT back in GE2011 was that he kept claiming HDB is “affordable” despite the fact that majority of new generation Singaporeans were made to pay more than 25% of their salaries for 30 years mortgage and yet he still claimed it is affordable! The direct consequence is, they will have less than 11% of savings in CPF for retirement funding! Any financial planner would tell you that this is definitely not enough for middle lower income earners!

Moreover, after paying their 30 years mortgage, they will find themselves stuck with a depreciating HDB value with totally insufficient CPF for retirement!

It is a huge time bomb of massive destruction in the making, all because of PAP’s manipulative moves in hoodwinking Singaporeans into believing this Asset Enhancement scam.

It always pains me when I read ignorant young couples forking out huge amount of money up to a million to buy a HDB lease of tenancy which s less than 80 years! We have to continue fight the PAP evil propaganda of HDB flats is an asset that will appreciate forever in order to drill it down to Singaporeans, it is nothing more than a paper that let you live in that flat for a time frame.

Singaporeans should change their mindset about HDB as investment. It is just public housing. All public housing are literally OWNED BY GOVERNMENT and they should be misguided and misled by PAP that they could use it to earn huge profits. It is your home, not an investment.

And as public housing, it should priced as such, Cost Plus, instead of “market price”. Only then, we could normalize and stabilize housing cost to all Singaporeans.

I hope that more and more people will have solid grasp of these HDB issues and help to spread the words so that we could build the Right social cultural mindset towards HDB as public housing.

Goh Meng Seng


Anonymous said...

We meet people different from us, yet underneath the surface we maintain perceptions based on their identity. We cant shake off these judgements? Diversity's value depends on culture and attitudes. If people feel as though they are not valued or lack permission to share opinions, they won't contribute. In turn diversity will mean little. We must treat every one well including individuals who think differently from us.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself-Leo Tolstoy.

Understanding the people and what is important to them not to you.

Communicate with facts, not dictate your opinions.

Communication should be a two way process.

Be honest. People are able to see the corporate spin .

Think about what the people have the right to know, not just what you want to tell them.

Just because the one-way media it didn't mean that what was read was agreeable.

If more people are happy, it makes their jobs easier.

Anonymous said...

Wat r straws for? E'm last one to break e camel's back.
Wat r nails for? E'm last one to nail e coffin.

Anonymous said...

I love Singapore it is my home. I love Sydney it is me second home.

Anonymous said...

He might make room for the 4G😢,but when they merely only achieve 30% of votes😊, poor chap may need to rebound and do a Mahatir👍. The silent majority 😭are very worried for the future of the c😭untry.🙏 he will have good health till 93. You ❤ the country. Some ministers are as stupid as an🦉. Funny 😜.

Anonymous said...

The wire from my dentures came off and I accidently swallowed it. Went to A & E to have x-ray and they confirmed that I may have passed it out. Why were such wire allowed in the first place?

Anonymous said...

All doing wrong except what he say and did was right. Ho Kwong Ping is a real man. He only ate one oyster during his whole life.

Anonymous said...

Apart from some professions where a degree is essential( medicine, architecture or engineering, for example) . We have met some super-bright non-graduates who are doing graduate level jobs, or running their own enterprises. A degree is not an indication solely on their ability to do a job, but maybe someone who has a good memory in exams. Asking for a degree is making the hirers' life easier for bulk-sifting mechanism. There are many young talented people out there ,but because of fixation on degrees, big companies miss out on these people. The best performers are normally people loving to do the job. Sometimes need to select people who love doing their job, not those who are merely able to do it.

Anonymous said...

But the person who scored well on an SAT will not necessarily be the best doctor or the best lawyer or the best businessman. These tests do not measure character, leadership, creativity, perseverance. William Julius Wilson

I hate banks. They do nothing positive for anybody except take care of themselves. They're first in with their fees and first out when there's trouble." ~ Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the U.S.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
― Edward R. Murrow

Sukar untuk mendapat hidup menjadikan negara ini menipu, pencuri.

Anonymous said...

Driving standard on the roads are horrendous. Those who mostly imported their driving style here, which country are they from? Motor cyclist are dying almost daily. The accidents

Anonymous said...

Country is safe according to world standards.

Are you sure?


I don't understand why every unit of the HDB has got a big padlock on their front grill and all doors are always shut even if there are people at home.

Well that's a mystery only the owners know. What about private apartments?


Anonymous said...

Spend our precious time wisely for the everything in this universe is evanescent. Desiring money and prestige should no be priority. Choose happiness. What is h point of being successful but unhappy. Happiness means not using anyone else's yardstick. Harmony, humor, peace, acceptance, health, distress, beauty, selfless, sacredness...………..makes living a better place. Without joy our heart will not open up lives' beauty?

Anonymous said...

Singapore other than Hong Kong generates the most drama over "PRIVATE" properties. Those days of 100% loan are never coming back. HDB ,BTO & EC still a safe bet. All "PRIVATE" properties are just too erratic.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Quotes;

Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.

Leadership is not a rank or position. It is a service to be given.

Under poor leaders we feel like we work for a lousy company. But good leaders make us feel like we work for each other.

We achieve better when we chase that dream instead of competition.

Safe is good for sidewalks and swimming pools. If we are to get anywhere, life requires risk.

Prepare for the fact that no plan ever goes according to the planning.

When leaders are closed to feedback, they hear criticism. When they are open to criticism, they get valuable advice.

Bad leaders care about who's right. Good leaders care about what's

Leadership is an education. Best leaders think themselves as students not teachers.

A bad boss has the title. A good leader has the people.

The true value of a leader is not measured by the work they do. The true value of a leader is measured by the work they inspire their people to achieve.

Doing something we dislike is called stress. Working hard for something we live is called passion.

True leaders help their people find the vision they are looking for. Bad leaders help their own vision.

Trusted and beautiful quotes.

Anonymous said...

We don't assume that the people we hear from are representative. .The volume of comments are a vast source of information. That MAS might introduce that a 20% grant(on value of property) be paid to citizens 35 years and above who wants to buy private property so as no one can complain that its unaffordable. To me I think its fake news.

Anonymous said...

Dirty Politics Quotes

“Most of the time, we see only what we want to see, or what others tell us to see, instead of

really investigate to see what is really there. We embrace illusions only because we are

presented with the illusion that they are embraced by the majority. When in truth, they

only become popular because they are pounded at us by the media with such an intensity and

high level of repetition that its mere force disguises lies and truths. And like obedient

schoolchildren, we do not question their validity and swallow everything up like

medicine. Why? Because since the earliest days of our youth, we have been conditioned to

accept that the direction of the herd, and authority anywhere — is always right.”

― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem









接受牧群的方向和任何地方的权威 - 总是正确的。“

- Suzy Kassem,崛起并向太阳致敬:Suzy Kassem的作品

Anonymous said...

Why are apartments becoming smaller??

They are eaten by taxes, development charges, GST, ABSD and loan restrictions.

Dirty politics quotes...
“Profit should never come at the cost of human blood. Any government that places profit before people is pure evil.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Who are the ones that suffer? People or government?

Off course them. They have $$$$$$ plastered all over them.

Dirty politics quotes...
“Profit should never come at the cost of human blood. Any government that places profit before people is pure evil.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for making China such a rich and diverse nation.

Anonymous said...

AHTH - If anyone is suing no tender no best deal for the people, then every day there would be such cases in court if the plaintiffs has got huge sums of money. The reason all boils down to since when has the people got the best deal?
PM Lee would also be in hot soup . No ministers had to be tendered and we were told we are getting the best deal?
Even the policies has got no tender? So now what are they talking about tender?
President got tender?

Anonymous said...

WP paid for the finest. If any lower it could end up mediocre services.

Anonymous said...

Markets don't always deliver prosperity, and government interventions are always flawed. To be really useful, economics must be built on common sense, not ideology. Do we want to live in "market states,"or be citizens of states that have markets?

Anonymous said...

Wat so mani double hed snakes.

Anonymous said...

High expectations.

Looking for a perfect place.

A place we feel safe.

A place where we can feel the trust.

A place we can find happiness and wealth beyond our imagination.

A place where people care for one another, so as life is beautiful.

A place where leaders not aspiring just to rise in ranks but the journey to help the people rise.

A place where the ministers can win our hearts , not only trying to convince our minds.

Where can we find such places? Only in heaven.

Anonymous said...

"Jangan lakukan yang what tidak you lakukan kepada you. Confucius.
“Because every day you’re chasing a new rabbit.”

Syukurlah PM LEE tidak merujuk kepada dasar mereka yang sentiasa berubah. Orang ramai tidak pernah berhenti mengejar rabbit yang new.

值得庆幸的是,我们亲切的总理并没有谈论他们不断变化的政策。 他说像这样的东西,这表明他没有意识到人们永远在追逐一只新 new rabbit.

We thought PM Lee was referring to their ever changing policies. “别对别人做你不想做的事。”

- 孔子

“Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you.”

― Confucius

Anonymous said...

Economic growth needs saving as well as lots of spending. If spending is restricted and every person live like a miser, there would be no demand for entertainment, housing or new clothes which is the power of an economy. What some rules are good for family spending or individual may not be good for society. High consumer demand, investment and employment are how good economics work. In a stalled economy, no body wins.

Anonymous said...

There is surprising little link of richer countries have more educated people. Rich Switzerland has the lowest rate of people going to university. Taiwan developed much faster than the Philippines, while having lower literacy rates. The realty is that on job training counts far more in technical, organizational and institutional knowledge that makes a country rich and developed and people are organized into highly productive enterprises. Education is about knowledge but has no use in the real world. Successful Singapore's state-owned enterprises made up 20 percent of its economy.

An investment in ourselves pays the greatest dividends.

Anonymous said...

"Stabilising the market so prices move in line with income growth and economic fundamentals"- it will always be there, just a matter how big.

So there should not be any surprise when we intervene- intervene does not mean collecting more money.

"If the Government had not moved in July, Mr Wong said, "there would have been significant momentum behind prices"- that means past methods had not been working.

"We are already seeing significant headwinds in the external environment, with trade, the global economy slowing down, interest rates likely to go up, and within our domestic market, more supply is coming on stream," - why are more GLS put out for sale?


That's why the measures were introduced, Mr Wong said, adding: "In the last property cycle, the Government acted after a very sharp rise in prices. We had to intervene eight times before stability was restored.- This shows they can never get anything right?

Prices have not come down since the July measures but they are "flattish, or increasing at a very gradual rate", he noted. "Land sales and overall transaction volumes have moderated. Importantly, the measures have encouraged en-bloc sellers and developers to be more realistic in their price expectations."- Government need to more realistic in making ABSD?

Mr Wong added a consolatory note for the industry: "I understand that as developers have short-term commercial imperatives. But I hope you will appreciate and understand the basis for the Government's actions, and why we think this is the more responsible approach to take in the longer term."- The responsible approach on the longer term is to not to sleep on your job. Check out the speculators who opened a $2 company, pay themselves a high salary to get bank loans. The real buyers and sellers ended up paying a high price all because you lazy people take an easy way out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In 2009 why was cooling measures rolled out?
They say it was because of this and that.

Now in 2018 why was cooling measures rolled out?
The same rehashing.

In 2027 will still the same cooling measures be rolled out?
Depends on the re-rehashing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A: We have been lucky with our Prime Ministers.

B: Yeah, tell me about it ...I didn't know.

A: We've had the best selected for us amongst the worst.

B:Dammit, will the new ones control every aspect of our lives, acting they know best, and expect everything to fit around them?

A:That we will have to wait and see. Only they themselves can unmake a control freak. If they have no self-esteem, they will not stop at trying to be martyrs craving for recognition.

B: Cross fingers.

Anonymous said...

It is important for people to feel control of their own lives. They are taking away our control if they keep making decisions for us- however well meaning. We are behind the wheel of our own car and we know very well how it drives(for most of us) and their ever changing policies is like they kept grabbing our steering wheel.

All their frequent changes, is not only making us chasing rabbits(according to PM LHL) but also have serious consequences on our mental health. If we are always being told what to do it makes us feel unsafe and anxious.

Why don't they give flexible policies to help us to make better decisions for ourselves? It does not mean that just because they are in position of authority, they have to come out and be all powerful because you still need to command respect. So please show your human side and don't portray yourselves as perfect leaders never flawed. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Next year big National Day celebration for 200 years Raffles landing. So exciting.

Anonymous said...

Why ABSD can give a peace of their mind!

A widow was dying of cancer. She had sold her family home and bought two smaller ones for her each of her two children. But she was faced with a problem. One was a gambler and she was afraid that he would sold the home for gambling debts. She used both their names on both their properties where each cannot sell without the other. She paid ABSD for both of them. She was at peace when she finally went.

Anonymous said...

Forgiveness- Do we want to keep carrying this resentment in our heart so that we cannot be free? We can be happy and go on living our life instead of living as a victim forever.

Anonymous said...

B: Your good news means bad news. So what now?

A: Now we can anyhow park.

B: Who dares?

A: Got some people dare.

Anonymous said...

Our health services still world class considering 1. the overdose anaesthesia pumped to an elderly patient. 2. cyber attack on health database. 3.treatment of an Australian tourist costed $82,000. 4. Susan Lim billed Brunei patient at $40 million. 5. patients being treated with half sterilised instrument.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with people nowadays. Flaring up so easily.

Anonymous said...

Why ABSD gives an only son a peace of mind.

The only son is getting married. His future wife wants an apartment of their own. She was not happy that his name and CPF is tied to the present home which his elderly retired parents are staying and also he once lived in. On order not to put grieve on his parents and caused friction, he only told his parents that he is short of cash to pay the 12% ABSD($210,000) which he has to pay to buy a marital home with his future wife. He did not tell his parents that he also need to pull out his CPF. The elderly parents have now put that home for sale with the intention of moving to HDB.

Anonymous said...

the good old times where lives are not so tangled.

Anonymous said...

Today the generation Y is technology, an that is their style of communication. Their career ladder and exploring the big world is central in their lives or to the many.

One episode has opened the eyes to them about ABSD. Parents who have gone through the weighty process of enbloc. One parent owns two other shoebox units. Buying another family home would be considered their third. They engaged their children in crucial discussions about using one of their names to purchase the next family home. Overnight they learn about the ABSD which they have no interest before. The children told their parents that it would hinder them from buying future HDB or paying the hefty ABSD if they were to purchase their future matrimonial home. To create an atmosphere of harmony, they have decided to rent. The children came to the understanding about families challenges on their policies. They now have to explain to their friends and associates why they are moving to a rental place. That's how some of their policies circulate.

Anonymous said...

Good vibes on our way for the repression and suffering. The powerful when truth is revealed.

Anonymous said...

Wishing 2019 where lightning will strike them hard. This may sound cruel, but cruelty begets cruelty.

Anonymous said...

Private properties get the most tsunamis. I have no sympathy for the speculators. But to prevent the people from investing in a second property is a little disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

Do we feel safe with perpetrators who used sucking money as an antidote to problems ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don buy property on little red dot one missile all gone. Present ministers no good foresight.

Anonymous said...

Bricks N Mortar is not a good place to park money anymore.

Anonymous said...

"All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with

another problem."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.