陈钦亮先生和我本人希望其他的银行公关经理能拿出正义、诚实、勇气和良知,走出来作同样的供证。我们希望他们能拿出勇气、诚实和良知,为这件事做出公平、正义和正确的事情。如果你愿意做出这样的供证,你可以电邮陈钦亮先生,kinlian@gmail.com. 陈钦亮先生会设法说服一大组的银行公关经理为此事做出类似的供证宣誓,所以你将不会是唯一供证宣誓的人。
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
墮馬多夫騙案 滙控或損77.5億
(星島)12月16日 星期二 05:30
(星島日報 報道)美國 納斯達克交易所前主席馬多夫布下金字塔層壓式騙局詐騙投資者達五百億美元 一案,受害者名單愈揭愈長,幾乎覆蓋全球,歐、亞多家頂級金融機構均告損手成為「苦主」,其中以市值計算屬全球第三大的滙控周一晚發表聲明,承認在馬多夫騙局中涉及潛在風險約十億美元(七十七億五千萬港元)。迄今所知,西班牙 桑坦德 銀行的損失最慘重,可能被騙二十三億歐羅 (二百四十二億港元)。
滙控表示曾向少數機構客戶提供融資投資於馬多夫(Bernard Madoff)的各項基金,涉及潛在風險在十億美元左右,此外在其託管業務中,也有客戶投資於馬多夫,但滙控不認為這些託管安排,會成為集團的風險來源。
英國 《金融時報》周一引述消息人士報道,滙控大部分潛在風險來自向投資於馬多夫的機構客戶所提供的貸款,這些客戶主要是「對沖基金 中的基金」;而滙控的直接風險相信是給客戶的十億美元貸款,這些客戶另外投資了約五億美元在馬多夫的投資計畫上。按照這類交易的通常條款,如果美國政府向馬多夫追回被騙金額的話,滙控會優先獲得償還資金。
騙局的頭號受害者該算是西班牙的桑坦德銀行(Banco Santander),這家歐洲第二大銀行旗下的投資基金Optimal共投資三十一億美元在馬多夫的避險基金,銀行本身亦投資了一千七百萬歐羅在馬多夫產品。該銀行股價周四早曾跌百分之四點九。法國 國衞保險(AXA)表示估計損失低於一億歐羅。蘇格蘭 皇家銀行則表示他們的潛在損失約為六億美元。英國投資基金Bramdean Alternatives在馬多夫投資了約三千一百萬美元,該公司表示,馬多夫事件令人質疑美國金融監管體系的「根本問題」。
法銀上當 共被騙101億
較早時,法國巴黎 銀行承認有份投資入馬多夫的基金,估計損失了三億五千萬歐羅。瑞士 多個金融機構也聲稱損失了五十億瑞士法郎。法國的銀行估計損失總值逾十三億美元(約一百零一億港元)。
在日本 金融界具有領導地位的野村證券周一早上也承認與馬多夫有交易,估計損失達三億○三百萬美元。南韓 一家保險公司和六家資產管理公司在馬多夫共投資了九千五百一十萬美元。
(星島日報 報道)美國 納斯達克交易所前主席馬多夫布下金字塔層壓式騙局詐騙投資者達五百億美元 一案,受害者名單愈揭愈長,幾乎覆蓋全球,歐、亞多家頂級金融機構均告損手成為「苦主」,其中以市值計算屬全球第三大的滙控周一晚發表聲明,承認在馬多夫騙局中涉及潛在風險約十億美元(七十七億五千萬港元)。迄今所知,西班牙 桑坦德 銀行的損失最慘重,可能被騙二十三億歐羅 (二百四十二億港元)。
滙控表示曾向少數機構客戶提供融資投資於馬多夫(Bernard Madoff)的各項基金,涉及潛在風險在十億美元左右,此外在其託管業務中,也有客戶投資於馬多夫,但滙控不認為這些託管安排,會成為集團的風險來源。
英國 《金融時報》周一引述消息人士報道,滙控大部分潛在風險來自向投資於馬多夫的機構客戶所提供的貸款,這些客戶主要是「對沖基金 中的基金」;而滙控的直接風險相信是給客戶的十億美元貸款,這些客戶另外投資了約五億美元在馬多夫的投資計畫上。按照這類交易的通常條款,如果美國政府向馬多夫追回被騙金額的話,滙控會優先獲得償還資金。
騙局的頭號受害者該算是西班牙的桑坦德銀行(Banco Santander),這家歐洲第二大銀行旗下的投資基金Optimal共投資三十一億美元在馬多夫的避險基金,銀行本身亦投資了一千七百萬歐羅在馬多夫產品。該銀行股價周四早曾跌百分之四點九。法國 國衞保險(AXA)表示估計損失低於一億歐羅。蘇格蘭 皇家銀行則表示他們的潛在損失約為六億美元。英國投資基金Bramdean Alternatives在馬多夫投資了約三千一百萬美元,該公司表示,馬多夫事件令人質疑美國金融監管體系的「根本問題」。
法銀上當 共被騙101億
較早時,法國巴黎 銀行承認有份投資入馬多夫的基金,估計損失了三億五千萬歐羅。瑞士 多個金融機構也聲稱損失了五十億瑞士法郎。法國的銀行估計損失總值逾十三億美元(約一百零一億港元)。
在日本 金融界具有領導地位的野村證券周一早上也承認與馬多夫有交易,估計損失達三億○三百萬美元。南韓 一家保險公司和六家資產管理公司在馬多夫共投資了九千五百一十萬美元。
Monday, December 15, 2008
Minimum Wage & Democracy
The following are two responses I have given to one forumer in deliberating on the Minimum Wage issue which I feel meaningful enough to be put on my blog.
Dear pfingo,
I understand where you are coming from and I have already qualify, talking about minimum wage will not get me votes in Singapore!
But, that's the catch. You are acting like PAP who digitized human beings. Never mind about these people if they are the minority?
Minimum wage may not affect many people, only 1% maybe? But it is significant for a country developing into a First World country. The intrinsic values that we past on as a nation to many children of future generation, is tremendous. It is a belief of human decency. A belief based on EQUALITY and FAIRNESS to everyone contributing to the whole country's development, be it Singaporeans or foreigners.
We are just too used to the PAP talk of dollar and cents but not the SENSE of the Nation. It may look insignificant to many people here, but it means a lot for a Nation to set its footing RIGHT on basic respect to human decency.
The Americans always feel proud of their country, most of the time, due to the CORE VALUES that their forefathers have set in their constitution. Do our country, no matter how small it is, have any CORE VALUES to start with?
Surprisingly, yes, it's all there but the fact is, PAP has been drifting away from the very CORE VALUES set in our constitution and National Pledge.
Minimum Wage is not just about dollar and cents, not only about how many people will benefit. But it is about setting the basic fundamental core values for our nation in rejecting exploitation of honest, hard working people on this land.
Goh Meng Seng
Dear pfingo,
I find your above statements intriguing.
If the market is truly efficient and there are true balance of powers within the system, there will still be rich and poor. All is relative. True about that.
However, there is one absolute thing: whether there are exploitation by the rich on the poor that will make them richer while the poor more poor.
It is a well known fact that PERFECT Free Market only exists in text books because although the principle assumptions of Free Market is very simple, yet it is very difficult to have such assumptions implemented in real world.
You may think that I am trying to close the income gap "artificially", but this itself is RELATIVE. If the real world is left to work on its own, what will happen is the polars of the rich and the poor will GROW WIDER. It grew wider not because of "EXCEPTIONAL DIFFERENCES" between the skill factors, intelligence, intrinsic biological merits of human beings but merely due to inherited or implied "social influence and powers" that comes along with wealth, status and network connections.
Just state one simple example, one can be a mediocre idiot that is born into a wealthy family. All it needs is for the man to inherit properties with regular rental income to maintain a lavish lifestyle. The man could use his network built by the family to make money much easier than anyone else.
There is no such thing as "equal opportunities" for all because opportunities vary according to different social class status. It would mean that the rich will get richer while it will be more difficult for those at the bottom of the social class to upgrade themselves.
Education used to be a means of providing equal opportunities, but I think the present system does not provide that any more. Well, I shall leave this topic for another day.
What I aim to do is not about closing income gaps. Mistake me not, that's not my intention at all. As long as men and women are born differently, there will bound to be difference in abilities and income disparity.
However, the basic fundamental is that the society or econmic system cannot be left alone in the guise of "Free Market" when we know REAL Free Market hardly exists at all. because asymmetric information, influence, networking etc etc will deter the development of the TEXT BOOK Free Market.
My baseline is simple, the system cannot be skewed towards in such a direction that when the rich get richer, while the poor cannot earn enough to lead a decent life. I have no problem of the rich getting richer as long as the vulnerable group of people, the lowest percentile of the social-economic segment, is not pushed towards poverty with no jobs that could offer them a "living wage" and savings for retirement. This "living wage" is relative in different societies. For example, in countries with big agriculture sector and land, the living wage can be very small because they could basically live off their land. But in a matured urban society like Singapore, this is not possible and naturally, the living wage will be higher than those other countries with big agricultural land.
Interesting enough that you have made your last statement that Economic growth under capitalism has led to democratisation. This may not be always true you.
Singapore is a prime example.
In fact, I think there is a potential danger for ultra-capitalism to lead the whole political spectrum into a vicious cycle of power and influences being monopolized by the few wealthy families who could afford to invest in the political field. Ironically, we will be going round in circles and what we will get is pseudo-democracy in the end, which is in fact a monopoly of power by the few in the guise of democratic process.
In fact, the populace has been brain washed into thinking along that line of only ELITES should be acceptable to become MPs or voted into the democratic power centre--parliament or Congress. Elitism should not be mixed by meritocracy. Meritocracy in politics is about those who will represent the different classes of people best, should be elected into a real democratic power house. But in Singapore's context, we equate a paper qualification with the ability as a politician!
Just ask yourself frankly, would you accept a non-graduate to be your MP? Why not? We have always been subtlely brain washed to believe that only those with at least a degree would be "talented" as parliamentarians. If this is what capitalist democratic system is all about, then it is not going to provide a really representative democratic system.
In a very crude way, I would say that for every social class in the society, there should be adequate representation in the parliament for their interests. Thus, for the high percentage of non-graduates, we should have people who could empathize with their aspirations, worries, problems etc etc.
However, with the "capitalized democracy", we end up is a bunch of "political elites" who could be totally lost touch with the populace that they are supposed to represent! Is this real deomcracy we want from the capitalized system?
Goh Meng Seng
Dear pfingo,
I understand where you are coming from and I have already qualify, talking about minimum wage will not get me votes in Singapore!
But, that's the catch. You are acting like PAP who digitized human beings. Never mind about these people if they are the minority?
Minimum wage may not affect many people, only 1% maybe? But it is significant for a country developing into a First World country. The intrinsic values that we past on as a nation to many children of future generation, is tremendous. It is a belief of human decency. A belief based on EQUALITY and FAIRNESS to everyone contributing to the whole country's development, be it Singaporeans or foreigners.
We are just too used to the PAP talk of dollar and cents but not the SENSE of the Nation. It may look insignificant to many people here, but it means a lot for a Nation to set its footing RIGHT on basic respect to human decency.
The Americans always feel proud of their country, most of the time, due to the CORE VALUES that their forefathers have set in their constitution. Do our country, no matter how small it is, have any CORE VALUES to start with?
Surprisingly, yes, it's all there but the fact is, PAP has been drifting away from the very CORE VALUES set in our constitution and National Pledge.
Minimum Wage is not just about dollar and cents, not only about how many people will benefit. But it is about setting the basic fundamental core values for our nation in rejecting exploitation of honest, hard working people on this land.
Goh Meng Seng
Dear pfingo,
I find your above statements intriguing.
If the market is truly efficient and there are true balance of powers within the system, there will still be rich and poor. All is relative. True about that.
However, there is one absolute thing: whether there are exploitation by the rich on the poor that will make them richer while the poor more poor.
It is a well known fact that PERFECT Free Market only exists in text books because although the principle assumptions of Free Market is very simple, yet it is very difficult to have such assumptions implemented in real world.
You may think that I am trying to close the income gap "artificially", but this itself is RELATIVE. If the real world is left to work on its own, what will happen is the polars of the rich and the poor will GROW WIDER. It grew wider not because of "EXCEPTIONAL DIFFERENCES" between the skill factors, intelligence, intrinsic biological merits of human beings but merely due to inherited or implied "social influence and powers" that comes along with wealth, status and network connections.
Just state one simple example, one can be a mediocre idiot that is born into a wealthy family. All it needs is for the man to inherit properties with regular rental income to maintain a lavish lifestyle. The man could use his network built by the family to make money much easier than anyone else.
There is no such thing as "equal opportunities" for all because opportunities vary according to different social class status. It would mean that the rich will get richer while it will be more difficult for those at the bottom of the social class to upgrade themselves.
Education used to be a means of providing equal opportunities, but I think the present system does not provide that any more. Well, I shall leave this topic for another day.
What I aim to do is not about closing income gaps. Mistake me not, that's not my intention at all. As long as men and women are born differently, there will bound to be difference in abilities and income disparity.
However, the basic fundamental is that the society or econmic system cannot be left alone in the guise of "Free Market" when we know REAL Free Market hardly exists at all. because asymmetric information, influence, networking etc etc will deter the development of the TEXT BOOK Free Market.
My baseline is simple, the system cannot be skewed towards in such a direction that when the rich get richer, while the poor cannot earn enough to lead a decent life. I have no problem of the rich getting richer as long as the vulnerable group of people, the lowest percentile of the social-economic segment, is not pushed towards poverty with no jobs that could offer them a "living wage" and savings for retirement. This "living wage" is relative in different societies. For example, in countries with big agriculture sector and land, the living wage can be very small because they could basically live off their land. But in a matured urban society like Singapore, this is not possible and naturally, the living wage will be higher than those other countries with big agricultural land.
Interesting enough that you have made your last statement that Economic growth under capitalism has led to democratisation. This may not be always true you.
Singapore is a prime example.
In fact, I think there is a potential danger for ultra-capitalism to lead the whole political spectrum into a vicious cycle of power and influences being monopolized by the few wealthy families who could afford to invest in the political field. Ironically, we will be going round in circles and what we will get is pseudo-democracy in the end, which is in fact a monopoly of power by the few in the guise of democratic process.
In fact, the populace has been brain washed into thinking along that line of only ELITES should be acceptable to become MPs or voted into the democratic power centre--parliament or Congress. Elitism should not be mixed by meritocracy. Meritocracy in politics is about those who will represent the different classes of people best, should be elected into a real democratic power house. But in Singapore's context, we equate a paper qualification with the ability as a politician!
Just ask yourself frankly, would you accept a non-graduate to be your MP? Why not? We have always been subtlely brain washed to believe that only those with at least a degree would be "talented" as parliamentarians. If this is what capitalist democratic system is all about, then it is not going to provide a really representative democratic system.
In a very crude way, I would say that for every social class in the society, there should be adequate representation in the parliament for their interests. Thus, for the high percentage of non-graduates, we should have people who could empathize with their aspirations, worries, problems etc etc.
However, with the "capitalized democracy", we end up is a bunch of "political elites" who could be totally lost touch with the populace that they are supposed to represent! Is this real deomcracy we want from the capitalized system?
Goh Meng Seng
作者:cheahsps 1:44pm 15/12/2008
作者:cheahsps 1:44pm 15/12/2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
最后信贷产品演说者角落集会2008年12月27日- 陈钦亮
Saturday, December 13, 2008
有一位已经得到250位投资者的授权书以便采取集体法律行动。他将在2009年1月给更多的投资者讲解他所要采取的法律诉讼途径。他希望能有更多的投资者(DBS High Note 除外)能参与这集体诉讼行动。
3.DBS High Notes 投资者组织
DBS High Notes 的投资者组织得非常好,他们已经召开了好几次会议。他们已经有了自己的网站。
4. 迷你债券投资者组织
8. 金融投资者协会
有一些人向我提议成立一个针对金融服务的消费者协会(金融投资者协会, 我已经成立了一个临时工作委员会来探讨成立这协会的事项。这协会的宗旨将是教育投资者和帮助他们检视金融产品是否为投资者提供好的回报率。更多的资讯将会刊载在我的部落格,www.tankinlian.blogspot.com. 我们也将为这协会成立一个新的网站。
Friday, December 12, 2008
Human Rights - Minimum Wage & Modern Slavery
I spoke about minimum wage on 13 Dec 2008 at Hong Lim Park, in conjunction with U60 group which is there to speak about Labour Rights.
Against Exploitation and modern Slavery
This topic about Labour Rights and minimum wage is not a very "HOT Topic" politically and any politicians can figure out that in a society which is dominated by a huge middle class citizens, there is really little "political points" to be gained, but potentially lots to lose in talking about it. But I believe in speaking up of what I believe as a social-political activist.
However, I feel that for a self-proclaimed 1st world country, we will have to re-examine ourselves in the policies that we set for our country. Singapore is a Republic, not some ancient feudal state where SLAVERY is the norm. As a modern society, we need to uphold a certain basic values of human decency.
The failure of Free Market Principles
The basis of our society should be built upon certain principles against EXPLOITATION and even modern slavery. All economist of free market believes that in a FREE MARKET, pricing would be determined efficiently by the market itself. Thus, they believe that minimum wage should be avoided. They also believe in fiscal distortions imposed by taxes and levies are also bad.
But the basic principles of a Free market is based on some fundamental assumptions that there are free and efficient flow of market information, labour mobility and such. It basically implies that both the employers and employees have equal standing, negotiation power and freedom of choices. This would apply to most of the middle class workers who have the power of modern information technology and mobility not only within the country's industries, but also global markets.
But for those of "Vulnerable group", such as manual labourers, cleaners and low wage earners, they lack such equal standing against employers. They lack bargaining power basically because they lack labour mobility, in both depth and scope. Thus, Free market principles could not be applied to such group of workers and the industries that they are in.
Most of the time, these people are being exploited, almost as modern slaves. Be it local or foreign workers, they are always the ones being exploited by employers.
The absurd wage comparisons
The most common reason I gather on why local fellow citizen cleaners are paid so lowly is that their employers will claim that they could employ foreign workers at "lower wages". For example, they would cite foreign maids' wage as an example, they were only paid $400 or less, thus paying cleaners $400 is "comparable".
However they did not mention that the total cost of employing a foreign maid includes Government levy ($190), lodging and meals. It could easily add up to $700 or $800 per month. Thus, taking the $400 maid's salary as a gauge to a cleaner's take home pay is totally unfair, because the cleaners have to pay for his or her own food, transport and lodging!
Maids/Workers' levies - Government Exploitation
At this juncture, I would like to talk about government levies imposed on foreign maids and workers. It is totally unacceptable to me that such high levies are applied to these foreign maids and workers.
Take maid levy for example. $190 maid levy on a maid who only earns $400! That is almost half of what the maid earns! That is ridiculous and obscene. Basically, it means Exorbitant EXPLOITATION by our very own government on other people's labour! How could a FIRST WORLD government allowed to exploit other people's labour?
Someone who favor government maid levy argued that these foreign workers should be "taxed". However, I would like to ask, even million dollar ministers are not taxed more than 22%! How could the government tax a maid that earn a miserable wage 30% of the total potential wage ($400 + $190)? Besides, maids are basically taxed through GST, 7% when they consume in Singapore.
Some argue that such levies are to ""protect local workers". But the truth is, it protects nobody as cleaners are still being exploited by their employers and their employers are not paying $590 but only $400 or slightly more than that to their cleaners.
Such high maid levy is basically a "Modern Slavery TAX", an exploitation by the government on other people's labour.
Implications of Government levies on Maid Employers
Most of the middle class maid employers would think that this issue about maid levy is none of their business. But the truth is, they are being reaped off. Let me explain using Hong Kong as an example.
In Hong Kong, there is a minimum wage policy for maids. It amounts to about S$670. They used to have maid levy about S$80 but it has been waived lately. (Contrary to Singapore, the levies collected were put into a fund to help local workers in job training.) But with such a wage, the Hong Kongers are employing more experienced and higher quality maids. Most of the time, the basic requirement is at least 3 years of working experience in Singapore.
But in Singapore, what we get are new, inexperienced and young recruits from the countries of original. And most of the time, they used Singapore as a stepping board or training ground to gain enough experience to get themselves employed in other places like Hong Kong, Taiwan or even Middle East. This is basically why Singapore maid employers always have so much problems with their maids and frequent changing of maids.
Waive the Maid/Worker Levy and set minimum wage
Some people who oppose minimum would use the common propaganda reasoning that minimum wage would increase business cost and cost of living.
First of all, not many MAIN businesses are affected by minimum wages. Most probably only construction sector and the cleaning industry would be affected. But the impace may not be big as the cost of employing foreign workers could be maintained as the same when the workers levy is being cut or waived after the minimum wage is set. Those who exploit local workers from the vulnerable group would have to up their wage accordingly and this is for the cause of prevention of labour exploitation or basically modern slavery. They should not exploit another human being of their fair wage in the very first place.
Some argue that if minimum wage is set for maids, for example, then the middle class would have to suffer higher cost of employing a maid. This may not true at all in Singapore context.
My objective is to eradicate modern slavery, not only by the employers but also the government. Cut down the maid/worker levy to the minimum (maybe $20) or even waive it totally. At the same time, set the minimum wage at the total cost of employing a maid, i.e. $590.
This would mean that the total cost of employing maids would be the same for the middle class employers. And it not only prevent the government of modern slavery but it further prevents exploitation from other employers.
Who gain the most? Not only the maids or low wage foreign workers gain, but local citizens who fall in the vulnerable group will gain too. On top of that, the middle class maid employers would gain by using the increased maid's wage without increasing their cost of employment, to employ more experienced maids. They could demand maids that have worked in places like Malaysia or other places for at least 3 years.
Who would be the loser? The government. Well, if the government is unfair in applying such taxes or levies without diverting such money for the benefits of local workers, then it deserved to be cut from such UNFAIR and IMMORAL revenues.
Goh Meng Seng
Against Exploitation and modern Slavery
This topic about Labour Rights and minimum wage is not a very "HOT Topic" politically and any politicians can figure out that in a society which is dominated by a huge middle class citizens, there is really little "political points" to be gained, but potentially lots to lose in talking about it. But I believe in speaking up of what I believe as a social-political activist.
However, I feel that for a self-proclaimed 1st world country, we will have to re-examine ourselves in the policies that we set for our country. Singapore is a Republic, not some ancient feudal state where SLAVERY is the norm. As a modern society, we need to uphold a certain basic values of human decency.
The failure of Free Market Principles
The basis of our society should be built upon certain principles against EXPLOITATION and even modern slavery. All economist of free market believes that in a FREE MARKET, pricing would be determined efficiently by the market itself. Thus, they believe that minimum wage should be avoided. They also believe in fiscal distortions imposed by taxes and levies are also bad.
But the basic principles of a Free market is based on some fundamental assumptions that there are free and efficient flow of market information, labour mobility and such. It basically implies that both the employers and employees have equal standing, negotiation power and freedom of choices. This would apply to most of the middle class workers who have the power of modern information technology and mobility not only within the country's industries, but also global markets.
But for those of "Vulnerable group", such as manual labourers, cleaners and low wage earners, they lack such equal standing against employers. They lack bargaining power basically because they lack labour mobility, in both depth and scope. Thus, Free market principles could not be applied to such group of workers and the industries that they are in.
Most of the time, these people are being exploited, almost as modern slaves. Be it local or foreign workers, they are always the ones being exploited by employers.
The absurd wage comparisons
The most common reason I gather on why local fellow citizen cleaners are paid so lowly is that their employers will claim that they could employ foreign workers at "lower wages". For example, they would cite foreign maids' wage as an example, they were only paid $400 or less, thus paying cleaners $400 is "comparable".
However they did not mention that the total cost of employing a foreign maid includes Government levy ($190), lodging and meals. It could easily add up to $700 or $800 per month. Thus, taking the $400 maid's salary as a gauge to a cleaner's take home pay is totally unfair, because the cleaners have to pay for his or her own food, transport and lodging!
Maids/Workers' levies - Government Exploitation
At this juncture, I would like to talk about government levies imposed on foreign maids and workers. It is totally unacceptable to me that such high levies are applied to these foreign maids and workers.
Take maid levy for example. $190 maid levy on a maid who only earns $400! That is almost half of what the maid earns! That is ridiculous and obscene. Basically, it means Exorbitant EXPLOITATION by our very own government on other people's labour! How could a FIRST WORLD government allowed to exploit other people's labour?
Someone who favor government maid levy argued that these foreign workers should be "taxed". However, I would like to ask, even million dollar ministers are not taxed more than 22%! How could the government tax a maid that earn a miserable wage 30% of the total potential wage ($400 + $190)? Besides, maids are basically taxed through GST, 7% when they consume in Singapore.
Some argue that such levies are to ""protect local workers". But the truth is, it protects nobody as cleaners are still being exploited by their employers and their employers are not paying $590 but only $400 or slightly more than that to their cleaners.
Such high maid levy is basically a "Modern Slavery TAX", an exploitation by the government on other people's labour.
Implications of Government levies on Maid Employers
Most of the middle class maid employers would think that this issue about maid levy is none of their business. But the truth is, they are being reaped off. Let me explain using Hong Kong as an example.
In Hong Kong, there is a minimum wage policy for maids. It amounts to about S$670. They used to have maid levy about S$80 but it has been waived lately. (Contrary to Singapore, the levies collected were put into a fund to help local workers in job training.) But with such a wage, the Hong Kongers are employing more experienced and higher quality maids. Most of the time, the basic requirement is at least 3 years of working experience in Singapore.
But in Singapore, what we get are new, inexperienced and young recruits from the countries of original. And most of the time, they used Singapore as a stepping board or training ground to gain enough experience to get themselves employed in other places like Hong Kong, Taiwan or even Middle East. This is basically why Singapore maid employers always have so much problems with their maids and frequent changing of maids.
Waive the Maid/Worker Levy and set minimum wage
Some people who oppose minimum would use the common propaganda reasoning that minimum wage would increase business cost and cost of living.
First of all, not many MAIN businesses are affected by minimum wages. Most probably only construction sector and the cleaning industry would be affected. But the impace may not be big as the cost of employing foreign workers could be maintained as the same when the workers levy is being cut or waived after the minimum wage is set. Those who exploit local workers from the vulnerable group would have to up their wage accordingly and this is for the cause of prevention of labour exploitation or basically modern slavery. They should not exploit another human being of their fair wage in the very first place.
Some argue that if minimum wage is set for maids, for example, then the middle class would have to suffer higher cost of employing a maid. This may not true at all in Singapore context.
My objective is to eradicate modern slavery, not only by the employers but also the government. Cut down the maid/worker levy to the minimum (maybe $20) or even waive it totally. At the same time, set the minimum wage at the total cost of employing a maid, i.e. $590.
This would mean that the total cost of employing maids would be the same for the middle class employers. And it not only prevent the government of modern slavery but it further prevents exploitation from other employers.
Who gain the most? Not only the maids or low wage foreign workers gain, but local citizens who fall in the vulnerable group will gain too. On top of that, the middle class maid employers would gain by using the increased maid's wage without increasing their cost of employment, to employ more experienced maids. They could demand maids that have worked in places like Malaysia or other places for at least 3 years.
Who would be the loser? The government. Well, if the government is unfair in applying such taxes or levies without diverting such money for the benefits of local workers, then it deserved to be cut from such UNFAIR and IMMORAL revenues.
Goh Meng Seng
Human Rights,
Labour Policy,
Policy Views
Friday, December 05, 2008
(星島)12月5日 星期五 13:01
代表數千名雷曼迷你債券投資者的大聯盟計劃聘請美國 律師,就雷曼迷債在當地展開集體訴訟。大聯盟會與律師簽訂協議,定明收費上限。
雷曼迷債「銀行苦主大聯盟」發言人陳光譽認為,特區政府 與雷曼迷債分銷銀行就回購安排的法律觀點分歧,已令回購迷債計劃「胎死腹中」,決定透過集體訴訟方式,轉而入稟美國法院,控告美國匯豐銀行 ,亦希望政府和苦主代表研究其他方法。但有雷曼迷債投資者就對訴訟有保留,認為應該由政府及銀行去做。
代表數千名雷曼迷你債券投資者的大聯盟計劃聘請美國 律師,就雷曼迷債在當地展開集體訴訟。大聯盟會與律師簽訂協議,定明收費上限。
雷曼迷債「銀行苦主大聯盟」發言人陳光譽認為,特區政府 與雷曼迷債分銷銀行就回購安排的法律觀點分歧,已令回購迷債計劃「胎死腹中」,決定透過集體訴訟方式,轉而入稟美國法院,控告美國匯豐銀行 ,亦希望政府和苦主代表研究其他方法。但有雷曼迷債投資者就對訴訟有保留,認為應該由政府及銀行去做。
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
ICT, SAR 21 & Loyalty

First of all, I must, again, thank all my comrades, officers and men alike, in my reservist unit for their continuous support of my political struggle. Although I didn't manage to convince anyone of you to join opposition politics, but we do have healthy discussions to enhance our understanding what our nation needs most at this juncture.
Loyalty is one of the key value that we share when we are back for In Camp Training and I am glad that our Commander has made it one of the Core Values of our unit. Yes, even as an opposition politician, I do share this very important and key value of Loyalty to the Country with all of you. We still do salute the very same flag of our Nation. Having different political perspective from the ruling party do not make one less loyal than any PAP members.
During this ICT, we have the opportunity to test our "new" weapon, SAR 21. Well, this weapon is not supposed to be new in Singapore Armed Forces, but for my reservist unit, this is the first time we have our hands on this standard issued weapon. This is a Singapore-Designed, Singapore-manufactured weapon which is shorter but heavier than the standard M16. The good thing about this weapon is that its telescope has increased its accuracy tremendously.
I have written about my ICT back in Jan 2007 which included a range. The conditions of the rifle ranges were very poor back then.
However, this time round, I have a pleasant surprised. The same old range has been upgraded. Toilets are clean and the system has improved tremendously. Although there is still a bit of hiccup on the electronic butt, it was rectified quite quickly with well trained wardens.
I just hope that they could keep up with such standards of range maintenance in the future. It would
Goh Meng Seng
Monday, December 01, 2008
Speaker’s Corner – 29 November 2008
Speech by Tan Kin Lian
1. 我们之前发出第一份请愿书,要求金融管理局调查某些制造并推销这些信用联结票据的金融机构是否犯了任何错。调查的结果如何?这些金融机构是否触犯了证券期货法和金融顾问法?
2. 金融机构了解了多少投资者的案件?拒绝了多少案件?提出了多少遭到投资者拒绝的提议?有多少案件还在等待裁决?金融机构需要多久才能做出他们的决定?
3. 金融业争议调解中心接到了多少投诉?有多少案件已经被他们裁决了?有多少案件还在待审?金融业争议调解中心需要多久才能处理这些投诉?
新报的这个财经栏目还提到 – 我们应该问的是:“不提供联结票据所包含的费用是否能使联结票据的销售契约失效,我们是否能要求联结票据的发放者和经销商退还款项?”
Speaker’s Corner – 29 November 2008
Speech by Tan Kin Lian
1. 我们之前发出第一份请愿书,要求金融管理局调查某些制造并推销这些信用联结票据的金融机构是否犯了任何错。调查的结果如何?这些金融机构是否触犯了证券期货法和金融顾问法?
2. 金融机构了解了多少投资者的案件?拒绝了多少案件?提出了多少遭到投资者拒绝的提议?有多少案件还在等待裁决?金融机构需要多久才能做出他们的决定?
3. 金融业争议调解中心接到了多少投诉?有多少案件已经被他们裁决了?有多少案件还在待审?金融业争议调解中心需要多久才能处理这些投诉?
新报的这个财经栏目还提到 – 我们应该问的是:“不提供联结票据所包含的费用是否能使联结票据的销售契约失效,我们是否能要求联结票据的发放者和经销商退还款项?”
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