Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Black Centrepoint II

Yes, this is another "Civil Non-Violence Action" in the making. Although I do not wish to mix a purely "Civil Initiative" that is "organized" by non-partisan individuals with my political work, but I think it is encouraging that Singaporeans are taking the lead and initiative to be "more vocal" via their physical actions which are non-violent in nature.

Many people have criticized that this "Black Centrepoint" lacks the "bravado" of "real protest" but I guess, in the context of Singapore which is governed by fear-installation, it is indeed a small step towards a more open society.

Sgpolitics.net has put up a message about this event at Centrepoint on 29 Dec 2007. I hope that for those who want to send a subtle "protest message" to the PAP government with regards to the series of unpopular policies which includes compulsory annuity, ministerial pay rise, public transport fare hike in spite of record profits for the transport companies, means testing for healthcare, increase of GST from 5% to 7% etc etc (the list goes on) would gather just a little bit of courage to wear black on this last weekend of the year.

Goh Meng Seng

Thinkall’s call to wear black and have dinner at Centrepoint on 29 Dec 07, 6pm

25th December 2007

Sammyboy forummer thinkall has once again called for another gathering at Centrepoint shopping centre on 29 Dec 2007, Saturday, 6pm, for shopping and dinner. This time, we shall make a stand against the PAP Regime’s elitism and indiscriminate policies that encourage top-end wage inflation at the expense of the poor and needy.

Location: Centerpoint

Date: 29 December 2007 (Saturday)

Time: 6pm Dinner (if insufficient space for Dinner take a walk towards Plaza Singapura to have Dinner.)

Come in Black to shop with your family and have Dinner at 6pm

Message from Thinkall:

The matter has come to pass that this government is no longer rationale and total denied reason. If they honestly believe that curbing the expectation of inflation is the most urgent task at hand, they have with a single stroke of the pen raised wage expectation, and putting the whole inflationary expectation up another level. The current National Task is to deal with inflationary expectation with maximum force: no they have not put that in perspective. Instead using justification of the recruitment of a minister, they single handedly fanned the flame of inflation and added fuel to an already hot inflationary bonfire.

The worst will come and remember this, the government instead of focusing on their responsibility to the people, inclined towards elitist interest, and decided for the worse only to hope for the best.

This is the sign of time, and the beginning of real economic hardship for the common.

I will call for the people again to gather at Centerpoint in black in 2 weeks time to do some shopping


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Why just Centrepoint and not nationwide?
