Friday, April 27, 2007

My next article....

My Next Article will be on Public Transport. We are expecting another round of Public Transport fare hike and I will examine whether our public transport companies are developing a "crutch mentality" in demanding fare hike every now and then. :)

My article will mostly base on my understanding of the Hong Kong transport companies, including their train companies.

Goh Meng Seng


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Yawn....seems like nobody is reading your blog, fat ass. Since you have so many ideas, why not propose them to REACH to see if the government accepts them instead of talking cock on your f**ked up blog?

  2. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Hi MS

    Would be interested to know more.

    PAP government has been promoting more peasants to use public transport but they themselves continue to indulge in big cars. Of course the more peasants they "CON-vince" to use public transport, the better it is for them, since they have less congested road.

    MS your efforts are commendable. but you know singaporeans in generally are very kiasi and have a mind-my-own-business mindset, but they like to see other bold people to test out the water for them. in fact, if you succeed, they will throw all sorts of negative criticism at you and pull you down; if you fail, they will laugh at you and thinks you are laughing stock - this is how our society has become. very materialistic, very self-centre, very selfish. don't blame them. singaporeans don't want to rock the boat but they wanted some spice now and then to liven up the suffocating and pressuring environment they are used to. i urge you don't hold your hopes too high. look what happened after the ministers pay "outcry" - now it's reduced to a pathetic whimper, water under the bridge. In fact, due to the extreme short memories of most singaporeans, by the time next election comes, this pay hike thingie, post election everything-price-also-increase, would be a non-issue.

    despite this wish you well ... never lose faith, never lose hope, never give up.

  3. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Yawn....seems like nobody is reading your blog, fat ass. Since you have so many ideas, why not propose them to REACH to see if the government accepts them instead of talking cock on your f**ked up blog?

    Why dont you just shut the fuck up? You're fucking annoying.

  4. Dear friend & kai,

    When I decided to step into this muddy field, I know exactly what I am getting into.

    I am glad to say that as long as there are people like you around, it is all worth the effort. :)

    Goh Meng Seng

  5. Anonymous7:52 PM

    You have tried your best to ignore that fuckingly odious first commentor for so long. Kudos to you.

  6. Anonymous3:18 AM

    nice try GMS of using clones to defend yourself, din you realize you have used these nicks before? Never knew you are so LAME! You are just a NOBODY in SG, nobody will remember you, now or in the future! Dream on, asshole!

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Yawn....seems like nobody is reading your blog, fat ass. Since you have so many ideas, why not propose them to REACH to see if the government accepts them instead of talking cock on your f**ked up blog?

    10:04 PM

    aren't u the first to read?????
    what a joke!!!
